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RE: ot web filter ?

I recently undertook a similar task for a good friend of mine.  Spent much
time searching the web for "net nanny" software and came across some sites
set-up by American kids with details of how to circumvent all the different
flavors (sic) of Net/Cyber nanny s/w.  The one they hated was Norton
Internet Security - they just couldn't get round it!!

So, my recommendation is for that.  Check out the features at

And no, before anyone asks, I didn't take note of the web site detailing how
to defeat the censor programmes.  However... a quick search on google shows
up which should be a good starting point.


-----Original Message-----
From: Amar Nagi [mailto:amar@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 08 July, 2002 12:31
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: [ukha_d]ot web filter ?

I need to put a internet filter on a machine i am building for my
uncle and his family. He wants to filter out all adult sites etc
so it is safe for his children to use.

Any particular programs this group would recommend ?

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