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Re: was Some DVD bargains now DVD R?/PVR etc

>what we should be asking [IMHO of course] is when are they going to sto= p
pissing about and give us a PVR with built in DVD-* ?

The problem with DVD-R +R -RW +RW is none of them offer time slip facilitie= s
(a la TIVO)

DVD RAM does offer this facility and my understanding is DVD RAM is
prevalent in Japan and the US.

The solution (IMHO) is a unit which does the following
PVR (no more tapes/disks)
DVD RAM (time slip facility and more reliable (?) discs)
DVD-R (cheap disks, more compatible ?)

And guess what - such a beast exist - Toshiba have launched one - see
Here;s a taster of what that article says ...

"TOSHIBA introduces world's first DVD-Video recorder with build-in 80G= B HD
    Friday, 31 May 2002

Toshiba introduced the industry's first DVD player that combines the
benefits of DVD-
RAM and DVD-R recording with the time-shifting and assemble editing
capabilities of an 80GB Hard Disc Drive (HDD). The Toshiba RD-X2 integrates=
a combination of advanced digital recording and high-resolution playback technologies into a single device, providing users with an unprecedented level of flexibility and utility. The Toshiba RD-X2 will be available in th= e
fall at a suggested retail price of $1,499.00"

I personally have a DVD RAM - and when I can persuade the missus Tivo is no= t
evil (another story - cocked up a recording) I'll get the 9th tee network card and back up archives on DVD RAM.

Before I found about this toshiba I was considering the Panasonic
third-generation DVD recorder the DMR-E30 which offers DVD RAM and DVD-R capabilities.

The DMR-E20 which offers simiilar facilities, can be had for around =A3500 = and
IMHO offers the best value facilities around (although it is not
multi-region yet despite Techtronics best efforts).

All in all there is a lot to consider before jumping in - I think the
Toshiba machine has it all, but for a price. BTW - not available anywhere yet !


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