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Re: Re: OT - DVD writers


> >       > > I was over-simplifying about the archive usage - the HDD
> is question is,
> >       > itself, backed up, to an Application Service Provider with
> a full HSM
> >       backup
> >       > offering that does a full delta-block backup...
> My point was Mark, that this one disk backup at work is not your only
> backup of that data.
> ---- No. This one disk at work is NOT A BACKUP. It is an ARCHIVE. Archives
and Backups are completely different things. I have never said it was a
backup. From the time I mentioned it, I described it as an archive.

Ok so thats clear. This system at work is for Archiving. I guess when Ray
was asking about Backups I assumed that you were talking about them. Im not
sure why you mentioned Archiving as it is completely different, other than
the fact you were using a hd on another machine as an Archive. That's now
perfectly clear.

> So I guess you don't trust 'just the one disk' system with anything
> important. No, let me put that another way. I don't need to guess,
> you've already told me you don't!
> ---- Yes - I told you that I didn't trust "just the one disk". But I would
be prepared to trust TWO disks on the same LAN.

I said quote "I would not trust a backup to a single hd disk."  Can I say
that any other way? I think I've worded it 3 times now.
I don't. I'm free to do that. Your free to trust it. You do. I respect your
right to do so.

>As I said, the "one disk" we keep talking about is an Archive, not a

I understand that you have 2 separate disks in 2 machines on a lan in both

The one at work is an Archive. I can understand the reasons for this.

> I guess this is pong to your ping, but anyway, as I wrote, I can
> accept your position is different to mine. Can you not accept
> likewise?
> ---- I can accept your position. I can't accept your misrepresenting mine.

I think I've cleared up the only misrepresenting you've bought up here. I
understood your position completely from every post.

The fact is Ray already had your style system before he asked about dvd
writers, (thats what this thread was about!) and is asking about replacing
it. He bought it up a while ago.

I just pointed out your different levels of trust in it in the 2 different
environments you

To summarise Mark. 2 Disks in 2 machines on a lan. One stores a copy of the
others data.

At Work = not trusted for backups.
At Home = trusted for backups.

Now costs come into this. I accept that. But for me even on a budget I
wouldn't trust it. I did and I got burned.
(Just about to hit send and Ray pipes up with the fact he's buying a dvd
writer tomorrow!)


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