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RE: mulit zone ir testing update(long post)

Funny how our world revolves around Keith D..................

Keep it up guys.


-----Original Message-----
From:       Frank Mc Alinden [mailto:armagh@xxxxxxx]
Sent:      07 July 2002 13:46
To:      ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject:      Re: [ukha_d] mulit zone ir testing update(long post)

Thanks Brian

            I have to say i  find Ian Bird very inspiring for some one
has only been doing electronics for such a short time . The only down
to  people like myself is no formal training and most of my work is
based on
experience and not technical know how.
    I hope i can get this project up and running  and get a pcb done
be a perfect  fill  in (for ir control) until the Kat5 Switcher
surfaces .

Frank Mc
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Reynolds" <brian.g.reynolds@xxxxxxx>
To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2002 10:23 PM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] mulit zone ir testing update(long post)

> I must say I admire yourself and Ian B. for your work on this, one day
> when I eventually finish the loft conversion I might have a go at this
> but then again I might not as it is way over my head.
> Why is it with our types we have soooo many jobs on the go at any
> I have just booked some time off from work at the end of this month to
> try and catch up, first time off this year! God I need to get a
> Keep up the good work,
> B.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank Mc Alinden [mailto:armagh@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 07 July 2002 13:08
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx > Subject: [ukha_d] mulit zone ir testing update(long post)
> Hi All
>         Today i started to do some real life testing of the multizone
> unit.
> As some of you would know things working on a bench and things working
> in the real world can (and usually are ) be two different stories.
> Firstly the bad news , My idea of a Ir Blocker (stick on emitter) no
> good. Im glad i didnt call it stick on cause it didnt so will have to
> revisit that one....Anybody tried this ?,maybe look at Keiths again.
>   When i got the multzone rx unit working i was using my panasonic dvd
> as a testbed and was tx/rx vol up ,vol down  + mute commands ,worked
> fine. So i saved all buttons  that i thought i would use. Guess which
> ones didnt work ...vol up and down. When i pressed these two the dvd
> would power down . Tried relearning no good . Relearned the power on
> ...that fixed it (thank god). Ieventually got the vol up and down to
> work by resetting the tolerence setting which i fiddled with at some
> stage ( left it on 8).
>     Next  one to get me was , i decided to transmit commands via the
> test menu in homevision . When it transmitted i noticed the ir rx
> led (yellow) pulsed with the tx data . My initial thoughts were that
> there was some bleed from the ir blocker (emitter) and moved the zone
> unit to top of the tv. Still same problem . Disconnected the ir
> and transmitted , all ok ,inserted a dummy jack (normal led) into zone
> splitter and transmiited again. Problem back again .
>     The Tx signal is getting induced into the Rx unit but at this
> only effecting the ir _active  circuit .This VALIDATES what KEN WATTS
> has been saying recently about ir rx signals in with other
> type signals. I will keep an eye on this one and if necessary run my
> signals via speaker cable.
> Now some good news
>  At this stage  i have only 1 zone connected and working and seeing my
> little shack is small i have the signals tx and rx going thru an
> full drum of cat 5 (approx 200metres +) and im operating my dvd player
> listening to my favorite band ROXY MUSIC no problem (okay so im an old
> fogie) . I will get my circuit by my friend John to have a look at my
> designs ,as i would like to ensure that long runs dont effect the
> signals and hes got heaps of experience with comms and that. Unitl
> testing and more testing.
> Sorry for the long post.....
> Frank Mc
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