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mulit zone ir testing update(long post)

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: mulit zone ir testing update(long post)
  • From: "Frank Mc Alinden" <armagh@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2002 22:07:41 +1000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Hi All
        Today i started to do some real life testing of the multizone ir unit.
As some of you would know things working on a bench and things working in the real world can (and usually are ) be two different stories.
Firstly the bad news , My idea of a Ir Blocker (stick on emitter) no good. Im glad i didnt call it stick on cause it didnt so will have to revisit that one....Anybody tried this ?,maybe look at Keiths again.
  When i got the multzone rx unit working i was using my panasonic dvd as a testbed and was tx/rx vol up ,vol down  + mute commands ,worked fine. So i saved all buttons  that i thought i would use. Guess which ones didnt work ...vol up and down. When i pressed these two the dvd would power down . Tried relearning no good . Relearned the power on ...that fixed it (thank god). Ieventually got the vol up and down to work by resetting the tolerence setting which i fiddled with at some stage ( left it on 8).
    Next  one to get me was , i decided to transmit commands via the ir test menu in homevision . When it transmitted i noticed the ir rx active led (yellow) pulsed with the tx data . My initial thoughts were that there was some bleed from the ir blocker (emitter) and moved the zone rx unit to top of the tv. Still same problem . Disconnected the ir blocker and transmitted , all ok ,inserted a dummy jack (normal led) into zone splitter and transmiited again. Problem back again .
    The Tx signal is getting induced into the Rx unit but at this stage only effecting the ir _active  circuit .This VALIDATES what KEN WATTS has been saying recently about ir rx signals in with other transmitting type signals. I will keep an eye on this one and if necessary run my tx signals via speaker cable.
Now some good news
 At this stage  i have only 1 zone connected and working and seeing my little shack is small i have the signals tx and rx going thru an almost full drum of cat 5 (approx 200metres +) and im operating my dvd player listening to my favorite band ROXY MUSIC no problem (okay so im an old fogie) . I will get my circuit by my friend John to have a look at my designs ,as i would like to ensure that long runs dont effect the signals and hes got heaps of experience with comms and that. Unitl then testing and more testing.
Sorry for the long post..... 
Frank Mc

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