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Re: [ukha_d] DigiBoxes for £79.99

Is there anyone in the Wokingham area with a DTV box. I am moving there in a couple of weeks and am not sure whether to buy a box or not. The DTV site says that reception may not be available, so any experience would be appreciated.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2002 2:13 PM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] DigiBoxes for £79.99

It seems that they redistributed ITV digital's licences to BBC and sky so these boxes will be able to pick up 27 free channels. Is that true?
Should I then run and try to pick up one of them from Dixons, before they realize that they can still be useful?
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus Warrington [mailto:marcusw@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 28 June 2002 14:42
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxxSubject: [ukha_d] DigiBoxes for £79.99

Hi all..

I'm a newbie on the list, been lurking for a week or two and have already
missed the TiVo blitz because I was on holiday and now the Pronto from
RS for £99 because the advert was in last months magazine .. I thought
you guys said this list would cost me money :) Seriously, does anyone have
the avert/magazine still.. at £99 I'd get one today :)

FYI the DIXONS shop in the Trafford Centre Manchester are selling the
(defunct) ITV digital boxes for £79.99. At that price I was seriously
tempted to pickup another one for the bedroom. Since ITVDigital
stopped broadcasting the number of channels has reduced but it does
provide me with a way of getting a true widescreen signal for free to air
stuff without subscribing to $ky :)

I have also noticed that people on this list seem to reply to posts without
cutting off all the quoted text.. on all other email lists I've subscribed
to this has been a major no no, and only relevant short extracts are allowed
to be quoted. I must admit it makes the reading of the daily digests very
difficult to navigate... surely I cant be the only person who has a problem
with this.. and I would urge everyone to think about trimming off all the
redundant text before hitting that "send" button.



        : \.~~~./ :        : \.~~~./ : Marcus J Warrington BSc (Hons) 
  ..     Y o. .o Y     ..   Y o. .o Y  Senior Analyst Programmer      
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  :       :  `~'Y     :      : `~'  Y  Phone :(+44) (0)845 330 4325   
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