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RE: (ukha_d) scan are the worst

Good luck - at least they're still answering your calls, which is more than they
ever did for me.  But, like others, I have still bought the occasional thing
>from screw up.

In the end I got my credit card company to refund me (though this was for
non-supply, not defective goods) - it would be worth you talking to yours to see
if they can help.


-----Original Message-----
From: MIME:amar@xxxxxxx at INTERNET
Sent: 03 July 2002 16:20
To: White, Peter; ukha_d@xxxxxxx at Internet
Subject: [ukha_d] scan are the worst

bought some memory together with mobo (a7v333) and cpu

me not to send the memory in the rma.

They found the mobo was faulty and could not get more any time soon

so gave me a refund for the mobo and cpu.

I bought the mobo else and still get a problem. Turns out it was

scan's memory that was the problem. Now i want

to send the memory back and they are saying no it is too late.

B**ks to that i told them. Pay me or the court.

What an absolutly pathetic company to buy from.  My friends

also have had so many problems with them.

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