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Re: RF interference

> This, to me means that whether Tivo is modulating out to 21 OR to 69, the
> interference is still there and thus the Tivo channel is _not_ the problem
> because I have used two widely separated channels with still the same
> effect.

The problem is that each of those little metal can modulators inside
consumer electronics adds a bit of gain via a crappy amplifier.

You will get the channels combining as the shitty little amp that cant
is driven into cliping, making images at the differences between the
frequancies of the 2.

For sources that dont need an RF input (DVD, sky box, and anything else
without a terrestiral tuner) connect nothing to the RF in (Or a 75ohm
Resistor if you want to be propper about it) - combine these and your
off air signal with a backwards splitter.

Also, the signal level after your distribution amp is prob too much for
the tivo to take. Try that before the amp.

Without a spectrum analyser, this is always going to be shooting in the
dark. But it has been my experiance that cascading the crapy modulators
these things use is asking for trouble.

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