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RF interference

Until the KAt5 switcher puts in an appearance, my AV distribution about the
house (apart from the lounge) is via RF.
As more items have been added, the signal quality has worstened, and
recently adding the TiVo has really shagged it.
To make matters worse, Tivo is set to record the terrestrial channels from
the RF feed to minimise the possibility of it hogging the sky box when

BBC1, 2, ITV, C4 are fairly good, but C5 is really really poor with Tivo in
the chain (going from reasonable pic with wavey lines to very poor snowy pic
like reception is p*ss poor) and the Video and SKY RF feeds suffer badly
It's not Tivo being too close to C5's channel because I tried it on Channel
69 and channel 21 with exactly the same results.
I assume therefore that Tivo (and to a lesser extent, the other devices) is
amplifiying/introducing a load of noise that is causing the interference
rather than it being on too close a channel.

What do I do?  ISTR mention somewhere some time ago of signal attenuators to
help such problems?
This being the case, should I put one between each source device or just on
the tivo (input or output?) and what 'strenght' would I need?



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