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RE: Plumbing Question

> How easy / hard is it to have a connection made to the soil stack, basic
> idea is this, in the corner of the living room is the soil stack for
> half of the house ( it's clad ) about 2 foot away is the fish tank, I'd
> like to automate water changes, but to do this I need to be able to
> dispose of the waste water.

You'd need a strap boss, something like and a suitable trap -
something like
Also a holesaw to cut into the waste.  (Assuming PVC soil pipes here)

> As I understand it adding to the stack isn't a job for the DIYer, as it
> may need build approval.

Erm, Mark H/Tracey may be able to help here....  A job I'd be quite happy to
tackle for myself, "Regs?  Erm, it's always been there." 0:)

James H

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