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Re: Car number plate capture/recognition

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 14:04:43 +0100, you wrote:

>Intel have released their Vision API, but be warned it's all hard core C++,
>not for the feint hearted.

I remember seeing a post about that ages ago as well - thanks for the
link to it.  I spend all day writing code so it shouldn't be any harder
than some of the horrors I have to deal with on Playstation 2 and
Gamecube!  If only everything were as simple as an XBox :-)

>There are links to all sorts of vision related websites here, the Intel site
>is about 12  down. Have a look at the others, there may be something usefull
>to you?

Excellent list of stuff there thanks.  I also noticed the Intel library
is free to use even in commercial applications, which is nice of them.

It should be possible to at least do captures of things, even if
actually grabbing the number plate isn't practical.  I'll let you know
how I get on with it.


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