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RE: Fish Tank Automation

Hia Stuart,

Automatic fish-tank-topper-upper sounds like a nice idea.  I set
something similar up several years ago when I had several tanks.... just
don't make the school-boy error of having the water inlet running down
towards the bottom of the tank - have it just peeping over the rim.
Otherwise, catastrophic mid-pumping failure causes a powerful siphon
which ........ I'm just too ashamed......


-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Poulton [mailto:swp@xxxxxxx]
Sent: June 28 2002 20:00
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: [ukha_d] Fish Tank Auotmation

Hi All,

WIth the arrival of the warm weather I am once again greeted by the
problem of water evaporation from my tropical fish tank.

I'm trying to devise an auto-top up system, basic idea being to have a
water level sensor, and an undertank resevoir.

1) Water Level Sensor      - Easy, some form of float switch

2) Resevoir - Either pumped, or the option I'm currently prefering, air
driven, basically take a sealable brewing barel, fill with water,
air pump to top, use pump to push water out of resevoir.

Any thoughts / comments


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