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RE: ADSL router/hub?

Looks interesting – seems to be similar to the Alcatel speedtouch 610. It is likely to be installed in the loftspace so something that can be configured using a web browser, over the wireless network rather than having to crawl up with a serial cable and telnet into a CLI is essential.


Do you guys think I’m going about this the right way? I’m only intending to have two APs plugged into the router, but it does seem to make sense to get one that is capable of 10/100 rather than just 10baseT, as I get the sneaky felling that 802.11a, or possibly 802.11g (really high bandwidth 2.4GHz data) is less than 18 months from being mainstream, so I would end up replacing the hub/switch at that stage.


Given the costs involved I suppose it won’t cost a fortune to replace the hub at a later date any way. Decisions, decisions!! All input is gratefully received. The basic idea is to have full coverage at Internet speeds only over the whole 2.5 acre plot. There may be some sort of need for higher bandwidth file copying in the future, but for the time being sub 1Mbit is all we are after J






-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Lowe [mailto:ian@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 30 June 2002 23:11
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] ADSL router/hub?


-----Original Message-----
From: Des Gibbons [mailto:des@xxxxxxx]

For separate, you will need an ADSL modem with an ethernet connection and an
ethernet router such as the linksys BEFSR41 or a USB ADSL modem and a USB
router such as the DrayTek Vigor 2200USB.



Or the new Vigor 2600, which is a combined ADSL Modem and the guts of a
2200. :)

Vigor kit is *very* nice

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