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Car number plate capture/recognition

Hi all,

I remember seeing the subject of capturing (or maybe even recognising)
car number plates some time ago, and wondered if anybody could point me
in the right direction on this.  I've tried to search the Yahoo archive
but it seems to go through only a little bit at a time - and very slowly
at that - so I thought a question to the list might be a bit more

Since I got broken into last year I'm now extra-security-conscious, with
a PIR controlled camera at the front door.  But living out in the sticks
I'm always a bit wary of cars stopping near the house or going past
slowly, so I'm seriously thinking about some sort of video capture.

I've now got a spare TV capture card (was going to build a Showshifter
box but got one of the cheap Tivos) and a 200MHz PC and a B&Q security
camera, which might be enough to do it.  If it needs more processing
power I've got a 400MHz system I can use at a push.

The programming shouldn't be too much of a problem, but I'm looking for
any hints on the best way to approach it and if there are any low-cost
off-the-shelf solutions or easy ways to build it, plus any hints on the
physical set-up like positioning, lenses etc.

Thanks for any info,

David P.

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