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Re: ADSL router/hub?

R u the guy with the M3 - that case we do hate u  - only kidding :-)
for a start
I use the Dlink DSL-504 - bit expensive but once configured works for me
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2002 8:13 PM
Subject: [ukha_d] ADSL router/hub?

I’m beginning to think that everyone hates me, ‘cos no-one is responding to my Linksys questions. Maybe this one will get a better response J


There seem to be loads of ADSL routers that support PPPoE which seems to be the standard in the States. I haven’t seen that many that support PPPoA which is used over here. Anyone got any recommendations.


My plan for the time being is to use 802.11b As and when we need an increase in bandwidth I’ll just swap out the access points for 802.11a (or whatever) so it seems sensible to keep the modem/router/dhcp server separate at the moment



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