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Re: Fish Tank Auotmation

Stuart Poulton wrote:
> Hi All,
> WIth the arrival of the warm weather I am once again greeted by the
> problem of water evaporation from my tropical fish tank.
> I'm trying to devise an auto-top up system, basic idea being to have a
> water level sensor, and an undertank resevoir.
> 1) Water Level Sensor      - Easy, some form of float switch
> 2) Resevoir - Either pumped, or the option I'm currently prefering, air
> driven, basically take a sealable brewing barel, fill with water, connect
> air pump to top, use pump to push water out of resevoir.

I find that its the cold weather that does it moreso then the warm weather.

Anyway, my solution to the problem (When I get around to implimenting
it) is a sump with a skimmer, Fill the sump up, and have a pump filling
the tank from it. Tank will stay at the level of the skimmer, and the
sump level will drop. When the sump is empty, refill it (With warm water
of course!) treat it, and then when the water is good to go (Right temp
etc) turn the pump back on.

Part 2 of the plan was going to be automated water changes :)

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