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Re: DECT Phones

Andy Bovingdon wrote:

> I believe some of the systems allow this - not sure if you have
> to manually switch between them or how it works though.
> For example - with 2 base stations on the same line does it
> act like a booster and allow roaming over a wider range? 2
> stations on 2 lines - does that work and does it allow incoming
> on both with outgoing on a pre-defined one (perhaps unless
> out of range of that one).

In general a DECT PP (Portable Part, ie handset) can hold subscriptions
for many FPs (Fixed Parts, ie base-stations), but is only active on one
at any given time, and you have to manually switch to the other
subscriptions, much like a dual-band GSM phone.

The other case is a multicell DECT system, which may consist of several
RFPs (Radio Fixed Parts) all wired back to the central FP. It's
logically a single base station that just happens to have several
geographically dispersed DECT radio transmitters. A DECT PP will
seamlessly handover between RFPs on its registered FP in exactly the
same way GSM handsets do when you move between cells.

Personally I use a 4 line BT Airway DECT system. It's expensive and
ugly, but performs excellently. As an added advantage, it's exceptional
at both BT and cable CLI, and can present the information to a PC via
its serial port or over the air to one of the Airway wireless data boxes.


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