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RE: Lite Control Network- LINET

Title: Message
Hi Jonathan,
I'm relatively new to this list as well.  I really appreciate the friendliness of the members, it is a great list because of the people on it.
I am happy to make what I have done freely available but realistically until I have tested it it would be folly.  Also unless you were using the linet bus system to control it you would need to change the control interface to serial (RS232 or RS485 etc).  Only you can decide if your level of experience is good enough, however in my opinion you would need someone around you with some electronic nouse (just my opinion).
Keith Doxley's Kat5 switcher, when it is ready, maybe a better solution as it will be an off the shelf solution (I think ?).
However if you are keen feel free to contact me off list and discuss further - maybe some a collabrative effort is possible.  You said you are into software - ever done any embedded software or perl ?
-----Original Message-----
From: TAWN Jonathan [mailto:jonathan.tawn@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, 27 June 2002 10:20 p.m.
To: 'ukha_d@xxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Lite Control Network- LINET

I’m quite new to; this list, and to the hole HA game.


But, I’m eager to learn more about the zone amplifier you have.


Are these parts readily available (can I buy them over the web ?) I have a little electronics experience  (I know what components are… I can solder… etc etc..)


Any more information on this, or any info of where I might be able to buy one (that has been assembled by someone else) would be most appreciated






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