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Re: Re: RJ45 > Wireless

Chris Bond wrote:
> So for example my Tivo I want to give it an ip address on my 192.168.0.x
> segment, would briding work for this?

yes, bridging means that ethernet packets are passed between the

If you bridge, then the comptuers/whatever will ARP the mac address of
the other, and then directly send ethernet packets.

The only other way would be if you are using one of the ends of the
wireless with a router that has wireless, then you assign a different
network and subnet to the wireless interface of the router and another
address in the same range to the device at the other end.

Be aware, that when people say router, they often mean a box that does
NAT, which you dont want in this case, and if you end up with 2 routers,
you will need a total of 3 different IP ranges and appropriate routing
configured. Not pretty if you have never done it before.

If you are  bridging the networks, the bride keeps a table of the mac
addresses that are on each side of it, and if it sees something destined
for the other side, sends it across the air to it. This is how most
access points work. If you can get 2 talking to each other, then
anything on one end of the radio link, can talk _directy at ethernet_ to
the other end - that means TCP?IP, Netbeui, etc all work, and its just
like you were plugged into the same switch (not hub).

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