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RE: Lite Control Network- LINET

Title: Message

I’m quite new to; this list, and to the hole HA game.


But, I’m eager to learn more about the zone amplifier you have.


Are these parts readily available (can I buy them over the web ?) I have a little electronics experience  (I know what components are… I can solder… etc etc..)


Any more information on this, or any info of where I might be able to buy one (that has been assembled by someone else) would be most appreciated






-----Original Message-----
From: Shane Harrison [mailto:shane.harrison@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 27 June 2002 11:15
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Lite Control Network- LINET


Thanks for the congrats Frank.  All is well. 


The hybrid nodes are the chips mounted on a small PCB (DIL20W size) with supporting components.  The second set of pricing I gave were for the SMD chips only.


Dimming unit is the next thing, so answer is no.  The nodes have a zero crossing detect input and a PWM output so the drive signals are there.  Anyone out there got a low EMC dimming circuit and layout available ? 


As for the 2 zone stereo module.  I am using bits and pieces I have lying around.  Hence I went for TDA2050 (around 30W per channel I think) amplifier chips. Volume contol is using DS1801 (probably same as Keith's ?).  Control is via linet node. Used node in data mode which spits out a serial stream.  Decided to decode the serial stream with a PIC since it is probably the cheapest way to do it and gives a few outputs easily.  Currently laying out the PCB which will be mounted in a 19 inch rack I have lying around with edge connectors for the backplane.


Interestingly I decided on having source switching on another card as a design decision.  Meaning I was originally only going to accept one source into the amplifier cards.  However I decided to add the ability to switch between two sources so that I don't need to design a rack mounted source switching card up-front.  In-fact at this stage I am not sure how many sources I will really use.  Intention is to have usual stereo hi-fi gear in family and living rooms so this system will only be used for lower volume background home audio.  I have a sense that soon a dedicated MP3 player as a source for each zone won't be too costly and might be the only source needed in reality - interested in others views on this.  However for "PA" type announcements eg. TTS, does require a second source.  Hence the design decision to switch two between two sources on each card.  Switching is via relays (because I have plenty) and I expect that I will have to control the volume when switching to avoid the clicking ?


Finally I have switched the 40V feeds on the amplifiers so I can turn each zone on and off beside muting them.


As for user interface - I just don't know at this stage.  RCS keypads or web tablets or both in different places.  Via homevision or Misterhouse or comfort or .....  My mind is still busy on this one.


Audio and hardware design aren't my strong points - was a hardware engineer of sorts for awhile but changed to software.  So anyone feel free to comment etc.




-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Mc Alinden [mailto:armagh@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, 27 June 2002 9:33 p.m.
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Lite Control Network- LINET

Hi Shane

            Firstly congrats on your new arrival, hope all are ok. I take it those prices are just for the chips? Have you had a chance to put some form of dimming unit together yet ? How about more info on your  2 zone stereo module sounds interesting.


Frank Mc


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