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RE: Fw: serial / parallel control of a relay board

Hi Peeps.


Ok – here are some questions I have:


  • I want to have a serial / parallel port interface, with say, 8 relays on it, which I can turn off / on using some simple program (I aren’t a programmer – so I’d struggle to get somewhere with that side of things..)
  • Multi-room hifi … I want to be able to split a source signal (from something such as a cd player / mp3 server (linout)) into 4 outputs, and then feed each output to a different amplifer – can something be done? – maybe use the ‘Kat 5’ system and a hub?


What I want is a multi-room hifi, but I refuse to pay nearly a grand for an amp … (and I’d enjoy doing this way a lot, lot more – and it’s a hug learning experience.!!)


I want to control which amp is used by using my pc (output to my tv (which is done)) using a Phillips pronto + an IR device on my PC (can control basic functions of pc this way) and switch amps on or off (hence relay board.. – much like a car stereo install – can have several amps, controlled by a signal wire ..(only amps turn on, once you’ve got the stereo turned on..)


I hope this makes sense… it does to me ;o)


If anyone can help me, I shall be eternally grateful.. !


Many thanks in advance.





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