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IR gizmo thingie?

Again, sorry for the x-post.

I learned from the Tivocommunity forums that an Ocelot (which I previously
ignored reading up on due to costs involved) can do an IR translation from
one IR signal to another.  This would be extremely useful for my situation
where I have a Canal+ satellite receiver connected to my TiVo.  TiVo is not
able (at least to my knowledge) to change the channels on the receiver but a
device (like the Ocelot) which would translate Sky's IR signal for 101 into
Canal+ IR signal 101 would be a dream!

Does anyone know of a device that will/can do this and is cheaper than the
Ocelot?  Or alternatively, is there anyone here with sufficient electronic
knowledge who can make me one?


I'm a bomb technician. If you see me running, try to keep up.

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