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RE: Fridge for the AV room ?

Violent with it...???  The machine had moved house three times (I think it
was over 10 years old when it fell into my possession).  After about 5 years
of operating quietly in the corner I noticed it wasn't cooling its content
as much as it used to.  A couple of days later and we began noticing the

Never did look into where the coolant was leaking from.  More a case of
"that stinks, get it out the house"

Still haven't got around to replacing it...

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Watt [mailto:kennwatt@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 24 June 2002 13:31
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Fridge for the AV room ?

Yes, that'll be an ammonia heat exchange one then!  ;)

I would love to know how that leaked, they really never go unless someone
gets a bit violent with it.

These types are very quiet, near silent in fact, but they are rare and can
generally only used in specialist applications, like caravans, as they can
be easily run off a 12V DC supply, not cheap though.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bricknell, Tony [mailto:tony.bricknell@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 24 June 2002 12:33
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Fridge for the AV room ?

I used to have a small "drinks" fridge that used a heat pump (not Peltier)
and it was totally silent.  It had a heating coil 'round the back of the
fridge to get the coolant moving and worked very well for years.  Then it
sprung a leak and lost all it's coolant - what a smell!
As for the scan model, this heats as well as cools.  The only single
technology that can do this is Peltier (which also accounts for the high
power consumption and the fact it runs from 12V) and (not saying there isn't
any) but I have never seen a Peltier Heat Pump fridge / cool-box that
doesn't use a fan - them 48 watts (plus the heat taken out of the inside of
the fridge) have got to go somewhere... :o)
-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Whyte [mailto:lists@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 24 June 2002 12:07
To: 'ukha_d@xxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Fridge for the AV room ?

I know a guy who does pub refurbishments, and "acquired" a fridge from him
that the brewery didn't like cause it didn't have a light.  It sits in the
corner of my lounge and is SILENT.  It is my understanding that these type
of fridges are silent due to being designed for pubs where there are 4 or 5
of these behind the bar.  Could become V annoying if not!

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