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Re: FAO Mark McCall - Yahoo has me as bouncing

> Firstly, apologies for sending this to the list, but Laser's servers
> are blocking mail from my demon account, because Demon have some
> customers running Open Relay mailservers.  So I'm reduced to the web
> interface to post to the group.
> Yahoo has not sent me any UKHA stuff since Friday morning.  I was
> bouncing due to an MX record problem, but this is fixed now.  I've
> tried a test post and Yahoo wont let me do it because it claims I'm
> bouncing.  However when I go to the Mygroups page it doesn't show a
> problem.  I've just mailed YG support, but in the meantime I wondered
> if you had any advice, or could do anything as moderator?  Yahoo ID
> is nickbroughtonuk.

I had DNS problems recently and had the same message when I tried to
post.  There was a link in the message which takes you to yahoogroups
where you can unbounce your address.  If you've lost the link, you
should go to and login.  Click "My Groups"
and then "Email preferences" (I think).  You can then click the
"unbounce" link which will set your address as working.

Building a community network for Bristol - updated 21/06
4x4 in town - bog brush for your teeth
NB: Alternate E-Mail - andylaurence at yahoo dot co dot uk

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