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Plasma pixels

I'm planning on buying a plasma screen in the near future.  The other day I was looking at a LG plasma screen in Currys and noticed that three of the pixels weren't working.  It was very distracting to watch the screen - and would be extremely upsetting if it was a set that you'd just bought.  The tag on the screen stated that it was guaranteed for 99.99% pixel operation.  Now to the layperson 99.99% might seem just about perfect, but if the screen has 852x480x3 pixels and has 0.01% defective pixels then that's over 120 pixels not working - which would be impossible to watch yet within the manufacturers spec.
Does anyone know which manufacturer of plasma tubes has the most reliable manufacturing method/service life?  Or has anyone have experience of this?
I think that even 1 defective pixel would be too distracting for me.

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