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Re: HA-related DVDs... WAS DV-Depot Free DHL Shipping (5-7 Discs) for 48hours!

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 10:02:29 +0100, "Mark Harrison"
<Mark.Harrison@xxxxxxx> wrote:

>Stuart Booth wrote (among other stuff)
>"Have a look at Arnie's "6th Day" on DV-Depot's site and you'll see
>they *do* warn about RCE.
>Uhhhh, not sure if there are any HA related DVDs out yet... ;-)"
>Actually, the 6th Day _is_ HA related.
>Take a look at Arnie's "morning routine" - the display of his day's agenda onto a home screen...
>That was the inspiration for my "Outlook today on bedroom TV" and the "Outlook text to speech" threads a while ago.
>Arnie has impeccable HA credentials :-)

Excellent, glad I managed to get it on-topic after all that! ;-)

But seriously, are there actually any HA related instructional
materials out there on DVD at all?

How about some promo material for the more expensive lighting systems
and such like? I'd like to see it in the raw, being installed, tested
and operational for instance. That would be a fascinating disc for

An idea for those C-Bus people maybe?

Stuart Booth
Somewhere in Buckinghamshire, England, UK


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