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RE: ot Pathetic Service BT

> > They are awful picking up the phone, but you just have to call them at
> > the right time or email them, and they'll call you back.  I always do
> > the second option ;-)
> The problem is that any issue I have is unlikely to happen at the 'right
> time' to call them and indeed, if I want to speak to them chances are my
> internet connection is shagged (as I don't have any other service from them)
> so the second option isn't any use either :-(

I don't call them if the Internet is down.  You can soon tell if it's a
network problem.  If it's a network problem, it's highly unlikely that
they're not trying to fix it, so the only thing you achieve by calling
them is frustrating yourself and losing time which could be better

> Worse than them not picking up the phone is, after 45 mins of hearing how
> dedicated they are to customer services blah blah on the canned hold line,
> you end up getting through to a random call centre around the country who
> cannot help you and stick you back in the queue in the hope that, another 45
> mins later, you _will_ get through to the righr people......

I've never been on the phone 45 minutes.  About 5 is the most I've ever
waited.  I've once been bumped along to another department, but that
didn't take long.  Maybe that's where my luck is going, 'cause I am
never lucky in anything else.  If only I could channel the luck I'm
wasting on Telewest to the lottery .... ;-)

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