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RE: ot Pathetic Service BT

> > I was making the point that I see lots of people complaining about
> > Telewest, yet my experience has been completely the opposite.
> You don't usually get most ppl being vocal about how _well_ things go, just
> when they go wrong :)


> In terms of reliability of the service once installed, I have to say I am
> reasonably happy (apart from my ping on Counterstrike not being as good as
> my m8's on NTL!), it's just the customer 'service', the shi*te way of
> organising things, the ppl there, the hours of waiting on the phone that's
> the problem.
> As long as I don't have to deal with them I'm happy enough (indeed was
> surprised how smoothly my automated update to the 1 meg service was), but
> picking up that phone makes my blood boil :<

They are awful picking up the phone, but you just have to call them at
the right time or email them, and they'll call you back.  I always do
the second option ;-)

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