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Re: Firewall SBC

> 1) Are there SBC with at least a 233MMX + 64Mb ram?

Yes, but do you really need anything that powerful?  You could save a
lot of cash/power consumption/heat dissipation by using a 486 based SBC.
I see no reason why it wouldn't do what you're asking of it either.

> 2) Is there a "Disk on a chip" as big as 100Mb?

Why not Compact Flash?  Could you not mount it as read-only?

> 3) Are the ethernet ports on these SBCs made by the big companies so that
> drivers are available for linux (Intel, 3Com)?

Most (all?) of them support Linux.

> 4) Is this feasible?

Yes, but as others have said, it'll be expensive.


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