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Re: Sky Digital wiring woes

> Cable runs from Satellite into the attic where it is joined with
> another cable which leads into my wiring closet. That wire then
> attaches to one which runs into the sitting room wall outlet. This is
> then patched into the digibox... no signal?
> Tried connecting the digibox into the cable in the wiring closet...
> no signal!!
> I dragged the digibox and TV into the attic (not an easy job) and
> connected to the cable coming from the dish... that worked fine.
> I have tested the cable run from attic to sitting room and I am
> getting continuity!!

How long is the cable in total? When I was setting my dish (80cm) up, I
temporarily attached one end of the 100m cable reel to the lnb and the other
end to the sky box. I couldn't get a signal at all. I then just used a 20m
or so length of cable and the signal was fine.

I presume that the signal would be attenuated a bit by each of the joins in
the cable too, so if your cable run is quite long, that may be the problem.


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