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RE: Firewall SBC

But imagine how much less intrusive it would be if it were on a SBC that could fit into another PCs 5=BD" bay!!

I have a server which is on 24/7 so to have a SBC _in_ that would make sens= e
both in terms of space and noise, maybe even energy consumption.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Booth [mailto:lists@xxxxxxx]

That plan appeals to me too. I like the idea of having a dedicated PC for a=
job, but a full on big jobby generates too much heat. My office here is too=
damn warm now, even with just a pair of computers on. A low profile, quiet,=
cool little box would very much appeal to me.
Damn, meant to say I'd been thinking along the lines of the VIAproject
for just this kind of job in fact.

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