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Re: Firewall SBC

On Wed, 19 Jun 2002 21:41:57 +0100, Pedro de Oliveira
<p.oliveira@xxxxxxx> wrote:

>I know a lot of people on here are using or are considering using a
>dedicated firewall such as IPCop.  I use IPCop as my preferred firewall but
>this seems an awful waste of a PC.  What I would like to know is if it would
>be possible / feasible to have IPCop on a single board computer. 

That plan appeals to me too. I like the idea of having a dedicated PC
for a job, but a full on big jobby generates too much heat. My office
here is too damn warm now, even with just a pair of computers on. A
low profile, quiet, cool little box would very much appeal to me.

Stuart Booth
Somewhere in Buckinghamshire, England, UK


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