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RE: Sky Digital wiring woes

Have you checked for SHORTS.

Also check for strands of the screen, they often can make contact with the
centre conductor.

One further possible cause, I assume you are using F Connectors, have you
cut the centre wire too short so that it doesnt make contact with the


-----Original Message-----
From: bquinn123456 [mailto:bquinn@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 19 June 2002 19:14
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Sky Digital wiring woes

Hi Folks,
Can't seem to get the digibox to get a signal from the satellite
using my in house wiring set-up.

Here's the scenario:

Cable runs from Satellite into the attic where it is joined with
another cable which leads into my wiring closet. That wire then
attaches to one which runs into the sitting room wall outlet. This is
then patched into the digibox... no signal?

Tried connecting the digibox into the cable in the wiring closet...
no signal!!

I dragged the digibox and TV into the attic (not an easy job) and
connected to the cable coming from the dish... that worked fine.

I have tested the cable run from attic to sitting room and I am
getting continuity!!

Any ideas?... could interference from somewhere be causing a problem?


Brian Q

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