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RE: BT PhoneLine Question

I can't answer the original question,  but wrt to compensation, you can get
it from BT under a residential contract. If they agree to install, but can't
/ are late, you can claim (IIRC) one month's line rental per day they are
late. We got a reasonable amount from them when we bought our previous house
because they committed to an installation date without realising the date
they'd set was an impossible target.


Tim H.

-----Original Message-----
From: Amar Nagi

it has to do with service from what i remember. If the line is down
they gurantee to the get things back with 4 hours or was it 2hours.
Also there is the compensation bt give if they don't install the line
on time etc

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Poulton

Hi Guys

Can anyone explain to me the diffence between a BT Residential Line, and
a BT Buisness Line.

So Far from what I can tell Buisness Lines cost more to activate
(install) , and more to rent, but do you actaully get a better service ?




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