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Re: Cheap 10.4" pen tablet

FYI: I don't think these things have pens.
Looking on Ebay most of them don't. I'll email the guy again to check.

Group buy:
I'm just wondering why anyone in their right mind would want to take on a
group buy. I know most of the people on the list go out of their way to
each other out, but buying in 20, 30, more? of these things would be a huge
undertaking and risk. What happens if there are a few duff ones, it's down
to the organiser to sort it out. Worse still we get turned over! Then there
is the packaging, payment, etc, etc.
I would much prefer to be part of a group buy, but as I'm sure Graham would
testify, it would be a nightmare!

Maybe if everyone was prepared to pay an 'administration fee' to the
organizer then it would be worth someone doing ?(thats not an offer to set
it up BTW).


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