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FW: [comfort-cwi] CWI version 1.6.4 released

  • To: "Ukha_D@xxxxxxx" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: FW: [comfort-cwi] CWI version 1.6.4 released
  • From: "Mark McCall" <mark@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 22:27:20 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Hoehnen [mailto:info@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 21 January 2002 22:27
To: Comfort-Cwi
Subject: [comfort-cwi] CWI version 1.6.4 released

CWI Version 1.6.4 is now available at:

First, I don't know if I said this before, but I really need to thank
Mark Gibbons for all his help.  He played a big part in making changes
1.6.x that make the user interface more friendly and more robust.

If you are running 1.6.x already, there are no big differences.  The
biggest change is a new ACE Server that can handle some of Comfort's new
features, like the new Smartfit interface.  No new web pages for this
yet though.  A version history file can also be found at the url listed
above if you are running an older version and want to see what has
changed before upgrading.

This installation will NOT replace any config files you have created
(csx file, custom main web page, etc. should all remain unchanged).  It
WILL replace all executables (ACE Server, ACE-TTS, etc.) and all ASP web

The installation now detects a previous install and you will not have to
re-enter your license info.

There were a few versions between 1.6.1 and 1.6.4 that people have that
may have 1 file with possible problems.  Check your inc-aceapi.asp file
for a line that looks like this at about line 12 in the file:

intCmdMethod = intByCOM

If you don't have this line, then you don't have the problem file.  If
you DO have this line, you can upgrade to CWI 1.6.4, which will replace
your current file with a new one.  Or, you can change the line to look
like this:

intCmdMethod = intByFile

Or, you can just get the new file at the same url as listed above.

The installation is now in ZIP compatible format.  This will allow those
of you who know what you are doing to see exactly what will be
installed, and to possibly extract only certain files.  This is not
recommended for novices.


Dan Hoehnen, President
Custom Automation Technologies, Inc.

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