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RE: FW: Shop@Kodak DX3700 Digital Camera

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: FW: Shop@Kodak DX3700 Digital Camera
  • From: "Michael Mc Aree" <michael.mcaree@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 18:06:19 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Title: Message
Fair comments Jon and I admire your sentiments but the error was theirs and not mine. Before I order ANYTHING online I check and double check the details. People on this list have been screwed bt telecos because their routers/ISDN lines did not hang up when they thought they have. BT did not say "OK Iunderstand - no charge". Kodak developed a mistake on Dec 31st and failed to rectify it until 6th Jan !!! This offer had been on Digital Photography forums for days and Kodak still did not act. They may have taken down the sign at the front door pointing to the bargain, but they left them on the shelves still priced @ £100. If this happened with 6 cameras Kodak would deliver and say nothing. The fact that it has happened with 10,000 does not change the facts of the case. They invited, I offered and they accepted.
I ceretainly accept that mistakes do happen but I was not knowingly profitting >from ne offer from a manufactuer (not a retailer) came along and I acted.
If we take your view then Kodak don't supply 10,000 cameras and have 10,000 potential customers - who have an interest in digital cameras - who now have a 10% discount before the end of the year!!! What do Canon or Fuji think of this? Not too pleased I'd say. I would have bought a digital camera in the next 3 months anyway and the Canon Ixus was on my agenda. The Kodak offer looked like a cheaper way to get into this medium so I chose it.
If companies want to minimise costs by using the internet as a direct selling tool then they should at least understand the fundamentals of it. This is a company where the net earnings were $1,440 million. I will not, and should not, give them such latitude as you describe. If the product was for sale @ £2.39 instead of £239 then I might understand. But £100 looked to be a 'special offer', maybe it was and it went pear shaped on them?
"But we didn't mean it" doesn't wash with me. there is a simple rule in life - "you can do whatever you want in life as long as you are prepared to take the consequences"
My 2p :-)

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