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Re: FW: Shop@Kodak DX3700 Digital Camera

Title: Message
Yes...exactly Michael!  They are trying to compare this to "a shop" where you hand over the cash and the deal is done.  It's different in this case - the deal HAS been done (I have a receipt) and as you point out the reason the money hasn't been taken from my card is that it is standard practice not to do this until the goods are sent to me!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 1:59 PM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] FW: Shop@xxxxxxx DX3700 Digital Camera

BTW those other Trading Standards officers are wrong !! The email I received states
"Please keep this message as your receipt of the purchase." So I have a receipt for a purchase and expect my Credit Card to be debited only when the goods have been dispatched. My Online Order status remains @ PROCESSING yet they have changed it to not show the full Credit Card number as it did earlier today. Why have they not cancelled my order??

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