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WAS: Homevision Schedule question... NOW: The best PIR

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: WAS: Homevision Schedule question... NOW: The best PIR
  • From: "Mark Harrison" <Mark.Harrison@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 12:14:40 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

On the subject of PIRs, what are the "best" PIRs to use for
to Homevision ???

I'm guessing that X-10 RF ones aren't where it's at, but what do others

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Harrison
Sent: 8 January 2002 12:13
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Re: Homevision Schedule question...


I use the X-10 wireless trigger as well. It is, as you say, "a little

In my case, I normally have enough time to take 4-5 paces at "normal
walking speed".

Do you use a TM12 to receive the signal? If so, then you can identify
WHERE the delay is taking place by setting the MS13 to unit code
and listening for the "click" on the TM12. If the click takes a
time, then it's PIR detection that's the delay, if the click happens
fast, but then it takes a while for the lights to come on, then it's an
X-10/HV issue.

One small point - use "FORCE ON" rather than "ON", and
rather than "OFF". The reason for this is that HV's state table
can get
confused, particularly if you've manually changed the state on the
device (which you can, even with a lamp module!)... FORCE ON will
_really_ do an ON, whether HV's state table tells it it needs to or not.



-----Original Message-----
From: andy_powell_is [mailto:ukha@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 8 January 2002 12:06
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Re: Homevision Schedule question...


> I think that you're over-complicating things with this "extra 2
> What happens if the PIR triggers every 15-20 seconds while you're in
> room? the light could stay on for hours!

The PIR is an MS13E X10 wireless jobby, It has an off delay set at 1
min and (I think) won't send another ON unless it's gone off (if you
get my drift).. either that or it's just a little slow as I can get
room) with only one 'trigger' occuring - and that's not running or
anything, just normal walking pace. additionally I'd like to add a
check for a max value - but I kept it out so that I could get the
initial routine going first...

The PIR and lamp are also located in the hall - so unless I'm
loitering I can't see it triggering too's just sometimes I
will pass through the hall a couple of times - usually I get halfway
across when the light goes off... it'd be nice to get an extention on
the 5 minutes, but only if I'm to'ing and fro'ing...

Thanks for the HV schedule snippet thos... will look at it more


> Here are the appropriate bits from my HV schedule. I use an event, a
> macro and a timer as follows....
> Mine is slightly more complex as follows:
> - I only turn on the lights if it's after dark OR I'm on holiday
> with a flag elsewhere)
> - I send stuff to the video screen, more as debugging output while
> testing than as anything I use long-term
> ------------------------
> X-10 SIGNAL 'ON' EVENT # H 3  'Mark Study  IR Detect'
> Do macro #10 (Mark Study PIR ON) once
> -----------------------
> TIMER EVENT # 2 'Someone in Mark Study'
> X-10: B 3 (Mark Study - main) Force Off
> Video: Display text 'Study - clear'
> Video: Do line feed and carriage return
> -------------------------
> MACRO EVENT # 10 'Mark Study PIR ON'
> ;
> ; This works with the timer "Someone in Mark Study"
> ; If its dark, or we're on holiday, then it turns on the light and
> the timer running
> ; If the timer's already running, it resets it to 90 seconds
> ;
> If
> 	Timer #2 (Someone in Mark Study) is not running
> 	Then
> 		Video: Display text 'Study - detected'
> 		Video: Do line feed and carriage return
> If
> 	Flag #0 (Holiday) is set
> 	Or  Time is dark (after sunset & before sunrise)
> 	Then
> 		X-10: B 3 (Mark Study - main) Force On
> 		Load timer #2 (Someone in Mark Study) with 0:01:30.00
> and start
> 	End If
> 	Else
> 	Load timer #2 (Someone in Mark Study) with 0:01:30.00 and
> End If

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