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Re: Protocol for infrequently used X10 commands ?

> > In fact you ping ALL house codes, Hail request for B (or others)
gives a
> > hail ack for A.
> Hmm, you sure? The reason I ask is that the house code is part of the
> hail request frame, so I would expect that a hail request with a
> housecode of A should only elicit responses from devices on that
> housecode. Still, what I expect to happen and what actually does
> are frequently different ;)

Yes, I used 2 PC's simultaneously:
one running the X10 log from Activehome and the second
running Hyperterminal to drive the TW7223. Sending the Hail request through
the TW7223 gave the same result on both PC's.
I suppose the house code has to be there so that the command has the
number of bit's but these are ignored because the purpose of Hail request
find already used housecodes so that you can use a free one.
Just noticed now that it's NOT the CM itself wich is responding but the
Activehome software wich was configured for housecode A, changed
this setting to F and I now receive a Hail ack for F.


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