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Re: Re: Uh-Oh, look out Phil, it's a B.. B.. Bargain!

<< Did I miss a reply on this, I can't find one... I see they are
on sale at £199 so I am tempted to get one.. how have people been
getting on with them.. any good? Any problems?? >>

I ran one a couple of years ago when they had PII internals.  It's a nifty
little box, but I can't remember how quiet it is.  I do remember removing
the CPU fan and the PSU fan though to get a silent multimedia box.  The PSU
died a few months later, but the CPU was fine.  I put an 80mm case fan onto
the CPU which was quiet and caused no troubles.

<< From the Maplin page it implies the TV out is attached to the DVD
drive only, but from your note Paul it implies it is Tv out for whole
PC. Is this correct, don't want a monitor sitting in the lounge with
the box... >>

TV-out is alternate to the VGA output.  From memory, it's an ATi chipset
(although whether this version is...), and you select either TV (composite
or Svideo) or monitor (VGA).  It was quite impressive running the geiss
plugin for WinAmp on the Sony VPL projector :-)

PC-Based Multimedia System

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