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Re: quick advice for new home build

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> >1. Heating. My present plan is for a Geothermal Heat pump and
> >underfloor heating (although maybe radiators for upstairs). An
> >additional heater for temporary high output requirement(baths
> >The Geothermal is supposed to be 75% free.
> Wow. I didn't think that stuff would work in the UK. I assume the
> element is using deep clay as a heat resevoir? so it will keep the
> cool in summer, warm in winter?

I believe that there is a loop of pipe buried at a depth of 2-3m where the
temperature remains fairly constant.  Compressed refrigerant is then pumped
through this loop (or via a heat exchanger) where it absorbs the heat.  The
condensor on the other side dumps this heat - just like an air conditioning
system but in reverse - you effectively try to cool the ground, and utilise
the heat from the condensing process.

I also believe that the compressor is a mighty 3kW beasty that costs
grand and runs best on off-peak electricity ;)

James H

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