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Protocol for infrequently used X10 commands ?

I'm in the middle of writing the control software for my automated
curtains project. I thought it would be nice to make it respond to some
of the two-way commands such as HAIL_REQUEST and STATUS_REQUEST.

If the curtain controller is on address A1, and my generic X10 interface
is on A2, I can send a HAIL_REQUEST from A2 to A1. A1 wants to respond
with a HAIL_ACK, but where does it send it?

The document I have mentions that for the 'extended code' and 'extended
data' command sets, the house and unit code used in the reply is the
address of the unit sending the data. e.g. if A2 send a query to A1
(A1:EXTENDED CODE) then A1 replies with it's own address and the
requested data (A1:EXTENDED CODE RESULT).

Can anyone verify that this is actually the case?


ant@xxxxxxx                   (`')        
Megawatt Winged Avenger

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