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Re: Wandsworth switch pics up

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Wandsworth switch pics up
  • From: "psghome2002" <psghome@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 15:18:00 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Both these switches are push to make, based on a retractive rocker=20
type switch (they look exactly the same as a standard rocker but=20
spring back when pushed). Wandsworth gave me two types: 6amp=20
retractive push to make/push to break and 6amp 2 way & off=20

I've not figured out the second yet and whether there's any point in=20
using it (i'll get the multimeter out and see how it works later)

Series 2 vs Series 3 is just down to taste I suppose. Putting both=20
side by side, I prefer the Series 3 as the light reflects off the=20
edges and catches your eye more. Also the Satin Silver finish=20
(available on both) looks better as it doesn't seem to show up=20
fingerprints like the Satin Stainless Steel (Satin Silver is a=20
coated aluminium where as the other is solid stainless). I didn't=20
get prices on the stainless but would guess it 'may' be more=20

CAT5 modules are very expensive -

Single =A324.49 + VAT
Double =A336.30 + VAT
4 Gang =A381.02 + VAT ! (each module =A319.42)

I think I'll go for std white data (still to find a good/cheap plate=20
with none of that moulded/window bits that'll make my rooms look=20
like offices!)


--- In ukha_d@y..., "Tony Butler" <tony@a...> wrote:
> > Pics in the photos area - one of each of the series 2 (flat=20
> > and 3 (curved edge similar to conventional plate but thinner)
> > of the components.
> Paul - have you got any pics of the push to make switches?  These=20
> like the standard series 2 that I have.
> Also, a difference between series 2 & 3 is that the series 2=20
screws are
> visible, in series 3 they are not.
> IMO, series 2 look better - but then I would say that wouldn't I=20
> as bought series2 :-)
> If you look at the 'fast track' (I think) stuff, it's basically=20
> 2/3 but you have the option to purchase the switches, plates, grids
> separately - so you can mix and match as you please on multi-gang=20
> plates.
> I think they do CAT5 stuff too, but I stuck to the light switches -
> sockets & power sockets are not quite so visible as light=20
switches, so
> it seemed a little excessive.  RPP modules did the job instead -=20
> steel surround, plastic clip-in modules....
> > I've got prices from Edmondson Electrical (wholesaler - Oxford=20
> > branch 01865 721186) and the single gang, single switch for
> > series 3 comes out at =A312.38 + VAT (this includes switch,
> > plate and is -7.5% off manufacturers trade price).
> Damned good prices you got there mate!
> Cheers,
> Tony

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