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Re: OT SQL Server question connecting over a VPN

I can only think of two things to try at present (both of which I guess you've tried???).  First run a trace from the ODBC32 client (\SQL.LOG), and second check the firewall.  It sounds a little stupid, but I've spent ages trying to fix a fault with apps only to find it was a permission thing with a firewall/server - so makes a sensible place to check first!
Let us know what you find.
(seems to be a lot of Pauls on the list?)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 7:33 PM
Subject: [ukha_d] OT SQL Server question connecting over a VPN

Sorry for the OT post, I want to connect to a SQL 2000 server, which is
connected to a VPN/Firewall/DSL router, I want to connect via either
ISDN or dial up using something like safenet, ok I can get the VPN up
and I can connect to the server and work with the data using enterprise
manager, however I cannot with, query analyser. I also have timeout
problems with a application I have written in Delphi using ODBC drivers,
I get timeouts errors on the client side. How do I adjust the time out
on the client side ? The only setting I see is in the ODBC config which
is already set at 120 seconds. But I get timeouts after about 1 second !

Any Ideas friends


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