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RE: LD11 preset question (with Homeseer)

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: LD11 preset question (with Homeseer)
  • From: "Kenneth Watt" <kennwatt@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 13:49:28 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx



AFAIK this is it, I posted this earlier today on the Wandsworth thread you mention:




To kinda put this to bed an LD11 can and/or does;


Soft Start, starts from level 0 (off) and goes to level 62 (100%) of 63


Soft Off, goes from level 62 (100%) to level 0 (off)


If you set the module to go to level 63 of 63 then it comes on at 100% without the soft start, as Phil and I sussed the other night.


If the module is at level 62 and you tell it to go to level 31 it will softly dim to that level, the same happens in reverse when it brightens.


The module has memory dim, i.e. when it is switched back on via a wall switch or a simple X10 "on" command it returns softly to its previous level from off.


The X10 Pro or extended commands give you the 62 levels of dim instead of the standard 16 with the likes of the LM12 etc. as well as the soft start/off.


Dunno whether the Leopard or Ocelot controllers can issue the commands but it should tell you in their literature, I know HV definitely can.






To my knowledge X10 Pro is only an extension of the original X10 protocols and is not an entirely new system, it only adds some more functionality to the X10 command see.






-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hawkins [mailto:lists@xxxxxxx class=GramE>]
: 20 February 2002 13:01
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] LD11 preset question (with Homeseer)


    There are two very similar threads here so sorry to mix the quotes but...I have been trying this recently too - and despite the info copied from the adjacent thread [UKHA Wandsworth switch pics up - dim thread - which controller] re LD11 documentation copied here ....posted by Keith Baker.. (who appears very frustrated on finding this info too...)


"The LD11 also responds to professional X-10. Combined with the memory dim feature, the LD11 can change the room lighting instantly or progressively."


"Soft (fixed) start and stop with STANDARD X10 and programmable start and stop rates with PROFESSIONAL X10 protocol."

and also this posting by David Anamudu in the Comfort Technical newsgroup


> > I have been playing with ActiveHome and HomeSeer, and have been able to
> get
> > the ld11 units to 'soft start' to differing brightneses, and also to go
> > immediately to different brightnesses.


David is now not able to repeat this and I have been unable to get anything working using any X10 commands (Homeseer / Homevision / ECS / Leopard etc) - My conclusion is that any go immediate to level function or any 'preset the level function (whilst turned off)' is not implemented. Also any change of ramp speed is not possible. I think the ramped change is unavoidable. Unless someone knows better.... Can anyone switch an LD11 ON instantly at a set brightness ?




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