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RE: Day wasted: Help needed please

On 24 Feb 2002, at 0:44, Brian G. Reynolds wrote:

> I have never managed to get modem sharing to work under W2K or by
> WinGate or any other programs so I thought I would try this SyGate and
> what? it don't work either....
> Says everything is working satis but nothing.....and yes I have put
> server part on the server and the client on the er, client.

You actually don't need the client s/w on the client machine. I don't
bother. I just install it on the server, activate DHCP, configure the
clients to get their IP and DNS addresses automatically and it just

> I have my cable modem plugged into a network card in the server, what
> happen if I connected the modem straight into one of my switches?

Ah, now there you're out of my field of experience. I think I do have
to select a dial-up networking setup for it to use now that I think
back on it. I used to use Demon and BTInternet and had to
configure SyGate to use the correct one otherwise it wouldn't route
my client machines to the Internet. Maybe you need to select the
network card in the server as the, umm, 'gateway' if you like?

Sorry, I'm stuck with a modem, and only at 26.4kbps at that... Grrr.


Stuart Booth
Somewhere in Buckinghamshire, England, UK

stuart@xxxxxxx     ICQ#: 4515603

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