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Re: [ukha_d] Tivo for £199 inc VAT and Next DayDelivery

> It should be, as the drives in the Sky box are just FAT32 formatted 7200rpm drives
Yeah..think that's right Tim, from memory it's actually easier to add drives to Sky+ than TiVo.
> One thing I have noticed is that Tivo owners do seem to be evangelical in their support
Yep.  But you know what...They're RIGHT to be!  And I am coming from SS and was sceptical about how much better it could be.  I was wrong (OK Ken!!!)  ;-P
> If it is so great why has take up been so slow, yet with Sky+ they can’t make enough of the things?
Hmmmm....where's the evidence for that?  I was in my local Currys on Friday and they were sold out of TiVo but had loads of Sky+  Darren had to drive to 2 separate Currys for our two TiVos on Saturday - we buy most things together so we can say to SWMBO Darren/Mark made me buy it ;-))
I think there marketing has been utter crap up until now too.  I consider myself a gadget junkie but I was unaware of a lot of the stuff this box can do.  Their mag and TV ads were wacky but totally uninformative.  They need something simple and easy to understand for the masses.
Like all these "discussion" it comes down to the individuals choice.  I went for TiVo for my reasons.  You should go for Sky+ for yours.

> Who doesn’t mean to, but always seems to take the contrarian’s view J
The world wouldn't seem right if you didn't ;)
Now...we'd better stop before someone calls for a TiVo spin-off group to be created!

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