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RE: [ukha_d] Tivo for £199 inc VAT and Next Day Delivery

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Tivo for £199 inc VAT and Next Day Delivery
  • From: "Jonathan Bradshaw" <jonathan@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 13:00:24 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

You quickly find you stop watching "live" television. It=92s a
change in
attitude about television. If you are watching live television then you
are living your life around a schedule set by the TV broadcasters. Ask
yourself why you should do that? What other consumer devices force you
to work to their schedule?

I come home, turn on the TiVo and hit the "Whats showing" option.
my entertainment guide. Its my personal TV channel, TV when I want to
watch and how I want to watch. I have no idea when the shows I watch are
on "legacy" live television or what channel. TiVo finds them,
them and all I know is they are there when I want. This is the power of
simply using "season pass" and using the category browsing &

Each week I check the "Inside TiVo" section for interesting shows
I'll browse through some of the categories. Anything that looks
interesting I just select. Two tuners? Not needed. Even if shows
conflict on multiple channels, TiVo (2.5.5 upgrade feature) now will
figure out how to find the repeat showing to get both (which works
rather well).

And with my upgrade to 160GB of disk space, it finds plenty of
suggestions too :-)

Yes, Sky+ is a great thing but it=92s not a PVR (it could be, ala
DirecTiVo in the US) but right now it=92s a very nice and fancy VCR which
is probably what many people are more "comfortable" with. And it
certainly makes the broadcasters happy since they are still in control.
TiVo puts YOU in control.

"If you not voiding the warrenty, then you aren't trying hard

-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Morris [mailto:timothy.morris@xxxxxxx]=20
Sent: 25 February 2002 12:35
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Tivo for =A3199 inc VAT and Next Day Delivery

What I don't understand is that for those of us that use Sky Digital as
a tuner, what benefit a Tivo brings. You can't record one channel while
watching another, and for those that say "all the stuff on Sky is
repeated", well it isn't - not if you spend most of your time watching
BBC 1 & 2 with a bit of C4,E4 Sky One and Discovery thrown in just to
fill in the gaps.

I just wish the Sky+ box came in black :(


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