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RE: LAN E-mail w/Outlook

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: LAN E-mail w/Outlook
  • From: "Lee" <lee@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 00:06:57 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Hi all,

I've been carefully following the thread on Mercury mail and am quite
in setting this up.  I've got a couple of questions though.

What I'd like it to do is:
1)  Access my e-mail from any computer on the LAN
2)  The e-mails would only viewed/sent from the client computer (not stored
the client)
3)  The saved e-mails (i.e "inbox") and the e-mail folders would
be stored
the server.
4)  M$ Outlook  Express to be used on the clients?

To boil it down, I'd like to access the same e-mail account/mailbox from
different PC's preferably using Outlook Express.

I've read through the setup on and think I
it.  Does this setup mean the e-mail is transferred to Outlook on the
computer?  If I check e-mail from 2 different computers on the LAN, I would
2 different "inboxes" with different contents?

I already have multiple accounts set up on one of my computers for my and
SWMBO's e-mail addresses.

Doug, when you set up Merc - its doing the same job as your ISP -
and storing your mail. When you connect with Outlook to Merc, OE downloads
the mail from the MailAgent (Merc) to the local PC, so the email would then
be stored on the local PC.

There can be as many mailboxes as you need on Merc, and each copy of OE
connects to its own mailbox. Each of your PCs could download data from the
same mailbox BUT half your old mail would be on one PC and the rest on the
other - not what you're after I guess.

There may be a way to set up a shared drive on the server and then hack
Outlook to store it's data on the shared drive back on the server, but
that's getting messy.

A better solution (?) would be to just use SquirrelMail (yes I know you
wanted to use OE), as with SM all the mail stays on the server. It can do
address books and multiple folders etc, not quite OE - but if you want to
access your mail form multiple PCs it may be the price you have to pay.

There is a plus-side to SM - if you have broadband, you can expose the
server to the net and then you can read your email from anywhere on the
planet! I read mine from work a lot :)


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